Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!现在连小孩都会这么说了,也确实,Merry Christmas说得也挺顺口的,如果你说Happy Christmas,也许感到拗口。
但是也许大家都不明白,圣诞快乐为什么是Merry Christmas,而不说Happy Christmas?
1、在朗文词典里面,Merry Christmas 的意思等于Have a happy time at Christmas!Merry 的意思是欢乐的,愉快的。即Happy and cheerful。
2、外教认为,英美人习惯用Merry Christmas,而不是Happy Christmas。
I think it has something to do with Santa Clause he says "Ho, Ho, Ho Merry Christmas" and most people associate Christmas with him. The other holidays do not have this kind of
外教认为,Merry Christmas的使用是因为圣诞老人出场时总是吆喝着"Ho, Ho, Ho Merry Christmas!",而所有的圣诞节都是和圣诞老人相关的,因此大家也都跟着圣诞老人用Merry Christmas了。同样的道理,新年(元旦)和生日等没有“新年老人”等的出现,因此也就一般性地使用happy这个词了。
但是,圣诞老人为什么就吆喝“Merry Christmas”而不是“Happy Christmas”呢?所以我觉得这样的解释也有点牵强。
I think it may have something to do with the language used when people first began
when celebrating the occasion. (English has changed a lot over the years) It may also be
because Christmas and New Year are celebrated at around the same time, for example
people give out cards saying "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year," thus avoiding the
repetition of the word "happy."
外教认为由于圣诞和新年离得很近,因此人们总是把圣诞快乐和新年快乐连在一起说的:“Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.”。由于新年已经用了happy了,如果圣诞再用happy就显得重复了,所以圣诞快乐就用Merry这个词了。
但是事实上,随着英语的发展和变化,现在也有一些西方人说"Happy Christmas",所以如果您听到"Happy Christmas"也不要觉得奇怪。
第三眼 于 2009-12-28 15:44:30 回复“其他欧洲国家" - "其他英语国家"
Liwen 于 2009-12-28 16:08:07 回复渊源无可查究,可能没有这个历史记录。
Liwen 于 2009-12-25 14:04:04 回复嗯,有见地!
Liwen 于 2009-12-25 14:05:32 回复其实这里说的也还没有完全解释为什么。
Liwen 于 2009-12-25 14:11:28 回复the same to you !