错误 602 The port is already open
错误 602 The port is already open
错误 605 Cannot set port information
错误 606 The port is not connected
错误 608 The device does not exist
错误 609 The device type does not exist
错误 611 The route is not available/612 The route is not allocated
错误 617 The port or device is already disconnecting
错误 619 问题:与ISP服务器不能建立连接错误 621 Cannot open the phone book file
错误 622 Cannot load the phone book file
错误 623 Cannot find the phone book entry
错误 624 Cannot write the phone book file
错误 625 Invalid information found in the phone book错误 629,已经与对方计算机断开连接。 请双击此连接,再试一次。
错误 676,占线。 请稍后再试。
错误 678,拨入方计算机没有应答。
错误 680 没有拨号音。